Adding to my Stash of Birthday Cards

The lighthouse cards were "quickies."  I found the images on Etsy.  Since I absolutely love lighthouses and stained glass  the combo was perfect and they were very inexpensive.  The last card is for my son's birthday.  I've had the yellow submarine colored for years.  I finally put it on a card.  I am caught up now through July on birthday cards.  July will be an extremely busy month.  With my daughter, son-in-law and their two kids coming from Michigan.  My son, his wife and new baby coming up from Phoenix and my daughter and her husband and two boys will be here also.  There will definitely be no time for time for card making!




  1. Absolutely fabulous cards and images-I love lighthouses too.Enjoy your family time.
    Carol x

  2. OMG they are all so beautifully coloured. Fabulous stash of birthday cards ♥


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Adding to my Stash of Birthday Cards

The lighthouse cards were "quickies."  I found the images on Etsy.  Since I absolutely love lighthouses and stained glass  the com...