My huge project is finally done - picture laden post!

  My mother was put in a nursing home in New Jersey several months ago.  She had saved all the cards I had made her over the years.  My mother and I are not close at all.  I was abandoned around the age of one.  I saw her a few times prior to becoming an adult.  I went through many foster homes during my early life.  Anyways as an adult I reconnected with her.  Needless to say it has not been easy.  Anyways, she gave my cousin the box of cards and asked him to send them to me.  There were probably between thirty to forty cards (many have been discarded).  She then called me and asked me to reuse the cards so that someone else can enjoy them.  They are decorated to her liking with lots of  flowers and pearls on them.  I have since stopped decorating cards in this manner.  For one, it cost a fortune to mail them.

Anyways, I finally got the last batch done.  I gave them all new card stock, designer papers inside and new sentiments inside and out.  I still have no idea who I will send them to.

A Day for Daisies

Crafts and Me

Digi Doodle Shop


Power Poppy

A Day for Daisies
Mo's Digital Pencil
Digi Doodle Shop
Saturated Canary
                         Mo's Digital Pencil                              

Richard St. Denis


  1. Wow, stunning selection of designs and colors. you are so talented. I used to make cards with so much embellishments they had to be mailed as a parcel so I stopped doing that. I don't even go and have cards weighted anymore just toss them in the box and hope for the best. I too had a difficult relationship with my mom who has passed now.

    Hugs diane

  2. Beautiful selection of cards Diane, so interesting how our styles change over the years.
    Sorry to hear you had a difficult relationship with your mother, I can certainly tell you grew to be the better person and channeled your energy into creativity ♥

  3. Sorry to hear about your difficult relationship with your Mother but she kept all your cards you made her.Postage is ridiculous with embellishments-why not donate them to a care home for thr residents to use for their families or for the staff to give to them
    Carol x

  4. Ah, my heart always goes out to you, neither of us got great moms, unfortunately. What you remade is a treasure trove of awesome, though! Beautiful! They need to go to someone who will either appreciate them as keepsake art or is willing to pay packate rate to mail them. I have to agree with Carol, a senior living center is a good idea. They are ALL beyond gorgeous! Hugs! XOX

  5. Oh wow! These are ALL so beautiful. With postage so high these days, I can't put quite as much on cards to decorate them they way I would like to...but My hand delivered cards I usally do. I'm sure your Mother enjoyed these cards. You and I had shared in email about our you know I could relate to some of your story. I think some of my past experiences have made me stronger, and I think they have made your stronger too. Two days from now will be the Anniversary of my mother's passing, I am so happy that we became so much closer toward the end of her life.

  6. These are so beautiful Diane. I remember colouring many of these images over the years and I agree it is too expensive to mail cards now with these lovely embellishments. Sorry to hear about your difficult childhood and relationship with your Mum. Sending hugs, xx


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