Julia Spiri Drawing


This lovely drawing, Amelia, is by Julia Spiri.  I colored it with Caran 'D Ache and Polychromos pencils.  I am not happy with the skin colors available in the Caran 'D Ache.  Most have a very yellow undertone.  I colored over the skin tones with Polychromos Flesh and liked it better.  I just bought all the new Caran skin tones.  I should have saved my money.  I got this image for free from Julia's Patreon club.  So many beautiful images are available.


  1. Absolutely stunning! Your pencil work is amazing Diane...I love it. xx

  2. Absolutely beautiful and fabulous colouring
    Carol x

  3. Wowser Diane your colouring of her hair is amazing

  4. Wow, you've outdone yourself, if that is possible. Her eyes are mesmerizing and stunning! I'm so sorry you don't like your new flesh pencils. That really sucks to invest in disappointing materials. Everybody raves about Caran's crayons so I bought them and was like, where's the beef? heehee Those French are so eccentric lol. XOX

  5. Amazing! So beautifully colored!

  6. My gosh Diane your coloring is just amazing, I wish I had half of your talent.

    Hugs diane


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"Horse Head" by Whimsy Stamps

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