Birthday Girl

I haven't colored a Sassy image in quite a while.  I had fun with this one.  Unfortunately,  the color does not show true in the picture.  The icing is actually a much brighter pink.  I'm entering this in Sassy Cheryl's Challenge "Celebrating Birthdays with a Sassy Cheryl girl."


  1. Beautiful card, I love the colours and lattice punch.

    Thanks for joining us in sassy Cheryl's challenge.

    Jackie :)

  2. Your card is sassy cute! You really know how to work those punches. I am often disappointed that my shinny Stickles don't photo well. I did get an inexpensive foam board from Michaels to photo against and it seams to have helped.

  3. SImply adorable and beautifully colored. So glad that you decided to join in the fun this week. . .and I'm with Pop, Paper, Scissors. . . .it certainly is SASSY CUTE!

  4. What a great card! monochromatic color themes are always striking! this is so sweet!
    So glad you joined us in the Sassy Cheryl Challenge this week!

  5. What a cute Birthday card. Love the colors and layout. Thanks for playing the Sassy Cheryl's Challenge this week!!

  6. Great card and perfect for the challenge. Thanks so much for joining us at Sassy Cheryl's this week~ Peggy x

  7. What a cute card! So glad you decided to join us this week at Sassy Cheryls. We hope you'll come again soon!

  8. Beautiful card! Love the lattice punch and gingham ribbon. So sweet ~jeni :)

  9. Hi Diana...thanks so much for the sweet comments on my latest card. You're a doll! Hope you're keeping warm out there in Kingman...brrrr here! Love me some Sassy Cheryl's images...and this card showcases your adorable image just beautifully! Gorgeous coloring...and the gingham ribbon is just perfect for this little Sweetie! Pat Frank


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Halloween Cards for the Grandkids

 This a remake of the card I made for my eldest grandson eleven years ago.  I loved it then and still love it.  This time it's for Logan...