Finished off my basket of unfinshed cards!

I finally finished all my unfinished cards!  I had forty-seven cards that I had made for design teams that I had not finished the inside of.  Some had been in my stash of unfinished cards for three years.  I finally got them done, greetings and all.  Now I might actually be able to make one for fun.  That is, after Lucas' Halloween costume and another beanbag chair.  I best get busy!


  1. Diane
    That is awesome but to tell you the truth that is why when I make a card I have to do the inside right away whether I photo it or not because I will never go back to do it! Hats off to you!!!

  2. Diane, congratulations! What a great accomplishment and you must feel so fulfilled! I did that recently and I thought I'd never finish! So since then... I finish them all the way but I don't sign the back and I was just thinking about that the other day. I've handed out a few without my mark! What a horrendous thought! lol Can't wait to see pics of the Halloween costume and the new beanbag chair! xx

  3. I know EXACTLY how you feel! I had to go back and finish insides for a craft show this past weekend & it was not fun! I won't make that mistake again! I'm going to finish the whole card from now on!


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Adding to my Stash of Birthday Cards

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